Before the appointment

How long is the process?

The entire session usually lasts 2 hours. The first half is spent measuring the clients' brows and choosing the perfect pigment for them. 

Does this procedure hurt? 

A topical anesthetic is given before the procedure begins to minimize any discomfort the client may feel. Halfway through the procedure, an additional anesthetic is put over the brows to ensure comfort throughout the session. 

Who is a good candidate for Microblading?

Anyone who is looking to wake up everyday with perfect brows! Won't have to worry about filling your brows in, or sweating them off. It is the perfect service for the everyday busy lifestyle.

Who is NOT a good candidate for Microblading?

  • Individuals with any conditions that cause them to bleed easily

  • Using Retinol/Retin-A products

  • Allergies to medications

  • Anyone taking blood thinners

  • If you have a recent sunburn or Psoriasis near the area.

  • Taking sun sensitizing medications

  • Botox within last 2 weeks

  • Accutane within last year

  • History of keloid scarring

  • Auto-immune deficiencies

  • People suffering from severe acne

  • Women who are pregnant or nursing cannot get this service

  • Chemotherapy patients will need to check with their physician and provide a doctor's note

How long does Microblading last?

Microblading or eyebrow Embroidery treatments are considered semi-permanent and will fade over time. A touch up every 1-3 years is needed.
The number of touch-ups is determined by a few factors that consist of:

  • Lifestyle

  • Type of skin: whether you have very oily skin or not

  • How well your body absorbs the pigments, lighter colors of pigments always fade faster.

  • Iron deficiency

Each individual is different. Final results vary with each client. All skin types hold pigments very differently, some longer than others. Depending how your body absorbs it.
Your touch up appointment is usually scheduled five weeks after your first session. In that time, your brows will be healed and we will determine how well your skin has received the pigment. All changes will be made accordingly, if necessary. Touch-up appointments are highly recommended for any Microblading procedures, as this is the session to perfect your brows for the entire healing process. 

Avoid alcohol, caffeine, Aspirin or Ibuprofen for 24 hours before the procedure.

  • Botox should be performed no later than at least 2 weeks prior to your appointment. 

  • Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinol products two weeks prior to treatment.

  • one week prior to treatment discontinue fish oil

  • Thoroughly read all the forms given to you at the time of your appointment and ask any questions you may have.

  • Be sure to advise me of any allergies, medical conditions, prior permanent eyebrow make-up and prescriptions you take prior to your appointment.

After Care

Day of treatment: 

  • Gently blot the area with clean tissue to absorb an excess fluids from your brows.

  • DO NOT get your eyebrows wet for at least 24 hours (this is crucial in the aftercare process).

Day 1-10:

  • Gently pat your eyebrows every 1-2 hrs with damp cotton round. Reapplying a small amount of A+D ointment to the area.

  • After 24 hrs Use your fingertips to gently cleanse the eyebrows. Rub lightly the area and rinse with water. Pat dry with a clean towel.

  • Make sure not to use any cleansing products containing acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA), any exfoliants, or lotions containing retinal.

  • Apply a small amount of A+D ointment to the treated area. Always make sure the area is dry before applying ointment.

Important reminders for the healing period:

  • Do not to soak your brows in water. Stay away from pools, saunas, When washing your face, wash gently around the brow area.

  • Picking at your brows can cause them to scar, blur, or lack of healing correctly. It will also ruin the pigment. Do not pick at the treated area. Let the area heal on its own.

  • Avoid facials, chemical treatments, Botox. 

  • Do not allow makeup, lotions, or other products to come into contact with the brow treated area.

  • Stay out of direct sunlight and tanning booths.

  • Protect your brows from direct sunlight. Wear sunscreen or a large hat.

  • If you have any signs of an infection consult a physician immediately. Some signs of infection include; redness, abnormal colored discharge, or fever.

Tattoo cover-ups and Corrections:

Please email me photos of your brows at trisha@tkbeaute.com
We are not able to guarantee that you will be a good candidate for microblading, as each individual is different.  

Please submit any additional questions